Following the well-known real-time strategy game Age of Empires, Age of Empires II has fallen village of the gaming world ...
One of the main points in the 2.0a update of Age of Empires II: The Age of Kings:
Changes Town Center.
AI Update is shown below.
Improved stability when in single-player Campaign mode.
Players will not be able to use fishing boats (fishing) to create traps (trap).
Fixed common errors in the farm.
The cheat code:
While playing the game, press Enter to display the chat window and enter the corresponding cheat code below:
Robin hood: 1000 gold (yellow)
Lumberjack: 1000 wood (wood)
Rock on: 1000 stone (rock)
Cheese steak jimmy's: 1000 food (real)
I r winner: wins always
Resign: loser always
Aegis: building fast
Marco: Full screen
Torpedo [number]: killing opponents respectively (complete number in the part number)
Black Death: kill all enemies
Polo: dropped the ball (shadow)
Natural Wonders: Animal Control
800: move screen resolution 800 x 600
1024: move screen resolution 1024 x 768
1280: move screen resolution 1280 x 1024
Autompsave: automatically save the game
Normal Mouse: change the standard pointer
Mfill: fix some bugs of VGA
Msync: fix audio SoundBlaster AWE
NoTerrainSound: turn off the sound of the terrain map
NoMusic: turn off all sound
Some cheat codes in the Japanese version:
Coinage: 1000 gold
Woodstock: 1000 wood
Quarry: stone 1000
Pepperoni pizza: 1000
Steroids: building fast
Reveal map: full screen display
Gaia: control animals
No fog: remove "fog" when fighting
Images in the game Age of Empires II: The Age of Kings.

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