Age of Empires version (Empire) extremely popular of village strategy game ... Game AOE also known as Empire but was born over a decade ago but still does not improve the attractiveness of a war game art, classic. Over the years the new versions are constantly being released and upgrade but fails in comparison with the AOE version (Empire) first. You can Download Age of Empires (AOE) in this classic version
Introducing several key features of the upgrade v1. 0c:
This is the official update for Age of Empires 1.0 includes 2 Version: 1.0a and 1.0b, bringing players a few improvements and fixes common in the game.
The amount of food to "lay" 1 Shang people tune into 40 food, and the food of the original players Shang also been reduced to 40.
Phoenician people will now work 15% faster than the previous version is 54 percent.
If you play in Multiplayer mode or Saved, all players must use the same one version of Age of Empires.
If on Windows 7 or 8, you cannot install or update patch, then change the compatibility mode by the following: right click on the file to install or upgrade, choose Properties => Compatibility, then switch back to Windows XP (Service Pack 2 or 3). Click OK to save the changes, then proceed to install or upgrade normally.
Select the appropriate language (mostly English) and click OK:
One of the basic code:
Reveal MAP: The map light
Pepperoni PIZZA: 1000 meat
COINAGE: 1000 gold
WOODSTOCK: 1000 wood
Quarry: 1000 stone
NO FOG: fog Skip
STEROIDS: Quick Build
KILLX: Kill player X (X = 1,2,3,4, ... 8)
Homerun: Winning
DIEDIEDIE: For the dead
RESIGN: You give
STORMBILLY: Robots shoot lasers
CONVERT THIS!: Shamans call thunder
BIG Momma: Sports car with a nuclear weapon
POW: The baby on 3 wheels with a gun.
Photon MAN: Guard commandos with nuclear weapons
BIGDADDY: Truck with nuclear weapons
E = MC2: Robot rocket fire
Big Bertha: Fort glomerular better
ICBM: ballistas (Artillery Supply) ranged 1000 range
HOYOHOYO: Shamans faster and better
UPSIDFLINTMOBILE: Provide or (Chariot archers) go super fast and fire very quickly
DARK RAIN: Cung A (Composite Bow) into the tree
BLACK RIDER: Horse C (Horses Archer) after his death turned into cannon crane
Medusa: Farmer dead horse into C. High C dead horse artillery
GRANTLINKSPENCE: Turning animals into Animal Kings.
GAIA: Animal Control
Hari KARI: Everything Your explode
Flying Dutchman: Catapult boats can go on land
KING ARTHUR: Make eagle dragon
JACK BE Nimble: Artillery fire crane farmers
This is the basic game:
First and most important: Indian H. .. C. .. C. .. C -> lay peopleSelect the 2 people closest guy, let it go in one direction and build 1 BE (do not build too close to the main house). 3rd straight people to go in a different direction to search for mines, Macro 2 guys build BE, that is complete, drag one guy go in a different direction. Wait for the 4th guy was born to pull it in one direction, and he has just completed BE, it goes towards the left. Be sure to let people go under the swastika, not to 2 guys people crashing into each other. So you are at least 4 of the 8 directions. The search result is very simple mine, mine usually very close. Sometimes it's close to quarries and forests. This is the case, you only cry uncle at the moment to build BG near as possible. Mine fruit is best aligned. When mining construction work, not all farmers in the same building that just two guys, the remaining notes for eating food always, feel almost complete, drag a guy's going to eat food now -> save money . Normally you have to build the BG how most favorable for the transfer of food, means that farmers will take less time to transfer food from the tree to the BG. Should keep your eye on the building for convenience, often beautiful is that farmers do not have to get up to turn food but turned back. 5th guy was born to eat fruit, 6th guy was born in the second building BE to pop up. Mark directed to this guy first. 7th guy for fruit. Now the 6th guy has completed BE and you will ensure that the process is continuous population. And now is the navigation to find food. The 6th guy in charge navigation to find food. Navigation while you still have to pay attention to developments in the government should have to press the Space HC and 1 continuous navigation to see it anywhere. Tune in circles around the main house, not miss any black, close to the forest to find the deer and elephants. If deer near the main house, Sliding on, away from the main house, sliding it close to the forest to ease the timber, sliding quickly as possible, if longer, the navigation to the other guy. See elephants, ignore, to the 9th guy take care of it because if there are sliding on doing nothing because then the 8th guy born must eat wood to wood construction the 3rd BE, it will be a very difficult scarf in elephant hunt, people easy to die, take control. 8th He was born to eat wood. 9th guy to eat wood. November 10th building friends. If you lure deer and elephants, the order will be different. But still have to make sure the wood and eat meat. May 11-14 eat wood, 10 built wooden BE eat. For 2-3 children and cut a tree for later facilitate the control. Now is the construction BS. Now that you've seen a herd of deer or two elephants standing on the edge of the forest, choose right 3 timbers (actually 3 wooden brought to the main house, elephants, 4) for its non-dead too few deer and other building BS. Be constructed so that was convenient for both timber and deer meat. After construction is complete BS, pull all the enemy main timber in the construction sector BS (remember that to the wood they pay at home and then pull away). Now the division of labor so that reasonable, 5-6 whale hunt deer meat, the remaining timber. If you like to fight 20 people, there is nothing to discuss, but in my experience, with 20 people should just pop with a very nice map to take advantage of the pop up fast and normal life with 24 people will ensure potential economic resources to ensure that military forces later. So when the 18 born, you give it away to build right the BE to up to 24 people. Now sure we eat opened it initially finished mine and you pull it to the next result or the next elephant herd of deer. Now people will continue to lay the wood also decent enough for these guys are always hunting logging meat fruit, but you still have to keep the timber tightly around 4-5 months to ensure adequate timber BB, BA or BL and BM. Depending on your situation is the lack of wood or meat that rationalizing the division of labor. As long as you make sure after you click on for two, four people working so effectively to life after up 2 you have 800 food and 300 wood (construction BA or BL and BM) to press up into 3 always .
Own characteristics and advantages:
Cheapest: Roman -15% of the cost (except the walls and wonder), watchtowers -50%
Most solid walls: Babylonian, Shang +50% HP (HP = blood)
Most fortified towers: well as Babylonian +50 HP
The most efficient tower: Choson +2 range (range = range)
Poorest fields: Persian 30% reserve
The most fertile fields: Sumerian +50% volume
Fastest: Assyrian, Yamato +30% speed (speed = speed)
Buffalo least: Sumerians +15 HP = 40HP
The most effective hunting meat: Persian +3 foods
The most effective fruit: Palmyran +25% speed to take effect
Most efficient timber: Phoenician +3 wood
The most effective gold: Egyptian +2 gold
The most efficient rock excavation: Babylonian stone +3
Cheapest: Shang 35food
Most Expensive: Palmyran 75food
Also R (Chariot Archer)
Fastest shot: Assyrian +40% rate of fire (all archery units)
Shot most powerful: Hitte +1 damage (damage = damage) (nt)
Buffalo least: Egyptian +33% HP (including striped horse)
Fastest: Palmyran +25%
Cutting horse (Cavalry)
Cheapest: Yamato -25%
Supply A (Composite Bowmen)
Farthest shot: Minoan +2 rangeElephant
Most crazy: Persian +30 speed
Crane cannon rock
Buffalo least: Hittite +50% HP
Cheapest: Macedonian -50% cost (including dwarf cannon and supply)
Fastest shot: Sumerian +50% rate of fire (to upgrade to Catapult) Looking at the most remote
The unit does not use long-range (range) Macedonian: +2 range There are many units with special features, but these are the most popular unit which we now use to communicate. Utilizing the advantages of this unit how to achieve the highest efficiency is up to you. Keep these characteristics in mind as it will help you a lot.
Images in the game Age of Empires

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